GIPSY® is the first choice for:
- Automotive
- Chemical industry
- Energy, gas, and water
- Manufacturing
- Facility management and automation
- Aerospace
- Simulation
- Process engineering
- Telecommunications
- Traffic control and transportation
- Defense
- Science and research
Science and Research Many applications with an intuitive graphical display use GIPSY®, for example:
- Order monitoring
- Facility management
- Graphical editors
- Monitoring and control systems
- Management information systems (MIS)
- Check-out systems
- GEO-Mapping of mobile objects
- Display of instruments (e.g. cockpit)
- Network management (telecommunications, energy, gas)
- Quality control and management
- Simulation + prototyping
- Telemetriy and data analysis
- Test systems
- Monitoring of objects
- Monitoring of manufacturing plants
- Flight control
- Environmental control
- Water treatment